Spell & The Gypsy

Spell & The Gypsy is an apparel and accessories company.

The Conscious Buyer Criteria Met:
About Spell & The Gypsy

It is Spell & Gypsy’s vision to become one of the most inspiring and conscious fashion brands in the world. They strive to minimize harm to our planet in all that they do. To achieve this, they have have begun measuring their impact in the areas of Supply Chain transparency, Sustainable Fibres, Environmental Footprint, Social Advocacy, Circularity and Giving Back – they are using this data to drive continuous improvement and refine the way they do things across their whole operations. From sustainably packaging to organic and recycled fibers - Spell & Gypsy continues their sustainable journey as a member of 1% For

The Planet. Spell & Gypsy met 7 of 10 of The Conscious Buyer Ranking Criteria.