Upohar LLC

Upohar LLC is a group of business that including restaurants and catering ethnic cuisines.

The Conscious Buyer Criteria Met:
About Upohar LLC

Upohar LLC was established in 2011 as a social impact food business in Lancaster, Pa. A place where customers can affordably dine on global cuisine, celebrate the culture of their staff, and contribute to the lives of people who might otherwise fall through the cracks of our system. The company employs, trains, and pays living wages to people who experience significant barriers to workforce entry, such as newly resettled refugees, or people experiencing homelessness and puts them on a path to economic self-sufficiency. It strives to be a triple bottom line business and considers the impact on people, planet, and profit when making business decisions.

Upohar LLC. met 6 of 10 of The Conscious Buyer Ranking Criteria.